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CTBA – suvremena i održiva građevinska rješenja


CTBA d.o.o. građevinska je firma s međunarodnim iskustvom koja u Hrvatskoj posluje od 2010. godine. Dio je CTBA Groupa, grupacije od 12 poduzeća s preko 600 djelatnika koja posluju u Hrvatskoj, Kataru, Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima i Velikoj Britaniji. Poslovanje Grupacije je orijentirano na suvremena i održiva rješenja. Tako je građevinski sektor CTBA u Hrvatskoj poglavito fokusiran na energetski učinkovitu gradnju i obnovu. Fasade, unutarnje uređenje, završni radovi – Vi isplanirate što si želite, a CTBA će to izvršiti.
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Energetski učinkovita i održiva gradnja u suvremenom svijetu više nisu samo poželjne opcija, nego nužnost. Uz zakonsku regulativu koja postavlja sve više standarde se korak prema modernim tehnologijama nameće i radi dugoročnih ušteda i smanjenog utjecaja na okoliš.

CTBA se specijalizira na upravo takva rješenja. Još od prve pasivne kuće izgrađene u Kataru 2012. godine CTBA Grupa radi na održivoj gradnji. Od ETICS fasadnih sustava, stolarije, strojarskih i elektroinstalacija – CTBA izvodi kompletne projekte kao glavni izvođač. Strogo poštujemo pravila struke i regulativu, tako iza sebe imamo niz uspješnih projekata financiranih iz Europskih fondova, surađujući s upraviteljima zgrada poput Monela i Fuggera.

Portfelj CTBA u Hrvatskoj se ne svodi isključivo na energetsku obnovu. Od grubih građevinskih radova do viskokvalitetnih završnih, od novogradnje do obnove postojećih objekata, od izvođenja i project managementa. Ponosni smo da u Hrvatskoj među svoje klijente ubrajamo zvučna imena poput Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Nizozemske, Međunarodnu zračnu luku Zagreb, Merck, Blitz Cinestar, Data Link, Veleposlanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Muzej čokolade Zagreb, Emirates Airlines, Mont Montažu te niz privatnih investitora.

U odnosu s klijentima nam je odgovornost na prvom mjestu. Zato svaki projekt ima svog odgovornog inženjera. Tako investitori uvijek imaju kompetentnog sugovornika. Od izrade ponude, do primopredaje projekta.

Amazinga Family Entertainment Centar

scope of works:

završni radovi, unutarnje uređenje

Amazinga je najveći family entertainment centar u Hrvatskoj. Nalazi se na preko 11.000 kvadratnih metara površine te nudi brojne atrakcije za cijelu obitelj. Sadržaji uključuju trampolin park, laser tag, soft play zonu, adrenalinski park, mini cars stazu, climbing zonu, arkade itd.

Klijent: Sportkart
Period: 2019.-2020.

Stambena zgrada – Račkoga

scope of works:

ETICS fasada, ojačanje zidova, sanacija krovišta, sanacija zabatnih zidova, zidarski i ličilački radovi

Obnova stambene zgrade. Uključuje energetsku obnovu (fasada i krovište) te sanaciju šteta nastalih u potresu (zabatni zidovi, ojačanje zidova i sl.).

Klijent: Monel - Zajednica suvlasnika
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: Active

Osnovna škola Gvozd

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasadnog sustava

Energetska obnova zgrade Osnovne škole Gvozd.

Klijent: Venka gradnja / Sisačko-moslovačka županija
Period: 2018.

Modularno drvno-tehnološki poduzetnički inkubator Ivanić Grad

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasadnog sustava, gipskartonski radovi

Izgradnjom i opremanjem Modularnog drvno-tehnološkog poduzetničkog inkubatora Grad Ivanić-Grad osigurava potrebnu infrastrukturu za potporu razvoju poduzetništva na području grada i okolice. Planirani modularni objekt korisne površine 722,70 m2 sastoji se od 6 jedinica za uredsko poslovanje i 7 proizvodnih jedinica. Poduzetnički inkubator u svojem djelovanju osim najma prostora za poslovanje i proizvodne aktivnosti poduzeća predviđa i pružanje različitih usluga iz domene poslovnog savjetovanja i edukacije za potrebe stalnih stanara, kao i za povremene korisnike i posjetitelje infrastrukture.

Klijent: Elektrocentar Petek / Grad Ivanić Grad
Period: 2019.-2020.
Status: finished

Osnovna škola Ivanska

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasade

Energetska obnova Osnovne škole Ivanska i pripadajuće sportske dvorane.

Klijent: Matičević / Osnovna škola Ivanska
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: Active

Zgrada gradske uprave – Područni ured Trešnjevka

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasadnog sustava

Energetska obnova uredske zgrade. Sufinancirano iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.

Klijent: Funda / Grad Zagreb
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: Active

Vatrogasni centar Štefanje

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasade

Novoizgrađeni objekt sufinanciran sredstvima Programa ruralnog razvoja Europske unije koji će pružiti bazu za djelovanje DVD-a Štefanje.

Klijent: Elektrocentar Petek / Općina Štefanje
Period: 2020.
Status: finished

Osnovna škola Popovača

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasade

Osnovna škola Popovača je područna škola za Voloder. U periodu 2019. do 2020. je odrađena cjelovita energetska obnova zgrade uz potporu Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.

Klijent: Venka gradnja / Sisačko -moslovačka županija
Period: 2019.
Status: finished

Dom za starije Bjelovar

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasade

Dom za starije Bjelovar u 2020. prolazi cjelovitu energetsku obnovu Projekt vrijedan 13,2 milijuna kuna je sufinanciran iz Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova te uključuje sva tri objekta.

Klijent: Matičević / Dom za starije Bjelovar
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: active

Dječji vrtić Sveti Filip i Jakov

scope of works:

montažni, soboslikarski i fasaderski radovi

Novoizgrađeni dječji vrtić u mjestu Sveti Filip i Jakov kod Turnja.

Klijent: Elektrocentar Petek / Mipek / Općina Sv. Filip i Jakov
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: active

Kompresorska stanica Velika Ludina

scope of works:

fasaderski i soboslikarski radovi

Industrijsko postrojenje Plinacra. Kompresorska stanica u Velikoj Ludini tehnološki je najkompleksniji objekt na plinskom transportnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske, u čiju je izgradnju Plinacro uložio 209,5 milijuna kuna. Ukupno šest objekata predstavljaju “projekt od strateške važnosti” u energetskoj politici RH.

Klijent: Elektrocentar Petek / Plinacro
Period: 2019.
Status: završen

Muzej čokolade Zagreb

scope of works:

završni radovi

Muzej čokolade Zagreb je do detalja izdizajniran i osmišljen prostor u samom središtu Zagreba. Svaka prostorija ima vlastiti vizualni identitet te poseban raspored instalacija koje prate postav. “Najslađi muzej u Hrvatskoj” je tako ujedno i jedan od najatraktivnije uređenih s nizom nekonvencionalnih rješenja.

Klijent: Svijet čokolade
Period: 2019.
Status: završen

Turistički informativni centar Turističke zajednice Grada Zagreba

scope of works:

unutarnje uređenje, završni radovi

Cjelovito unutarnje preuređenje Turističkog centra.

Klijent: Turistička zajednica Grada Zagreba
Period: 2019.
Status: završen

Obiteljska kuća – fasada

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasade

Instalacija ETICS fasadnog sustava s grafitnim stiroporom na stambenoj kući.

Klijent: Privatni investitor
Period: 2018.
Status: završen

Novigradska 1-3-5-7

scope of works:

instalacija ETICS fasadnog sustava, sanacija krovišta

Cjelovita energetska obnova stambene zgrade u Zagrebu, sufinancirano sredstvima iz EU fondova.

Klijent: Monel - Zajednica suvlasnika
Period: 2019.
Status: završen

Blitz Cinestar – Joker centar Split

scope of works:

unutarnje uređenje, završni radovi, strojarstvo, elektroinstalacije

Cjelovito preuređenje svih kinodvorana i koncesije Blitz Cinestara u Joker centru.

Klijent: Blitz Cinestar
Period: 2020. - danas
Status: finished


scope of works:

project management

Cjelovito uređenje novih uredskih prostorija Merck Hrvatska.

Klijent: Merck
Period: 2018.
Status: završen

Stambena zgrada – Ogrizovićeva

scope of works:

glavni izvođač

Preuređenje tri uredska kata u ukupno osam stanova.

Klijent: Data Link
Period: 2017.-2018.
Status: završen

Chief of Mission Residence – Veleposlanstvo SAD-a u Hrvatskoj

scope of works:

završni radovi, izolacija, bravarski radovi

Razni radovi na uređenju vile veleposlanika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Hrvatskoj.

Klijent: Veleposlanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država
Period: 2017.-2019.
Status: završen

Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb – Franjo Tuđman

scope of works:

glavni izvođač za završne radove (uključujući strojarstvo i elektroinstalaterske radove)

Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb Franjo Tuđman je najveće i najprometnije čvorište u Hrvatskoj. Od otvorenja 2017. do danas je osvojio brojna priznanja. Tako je proglašen najboljim europskim aerodromom za 2 do 5 milijuna putnika godišnje (temeljem istraživanja putnika o zadovoljstvu uslugama koje je proveo ACI/ASQ Airports Council International / Airport Service Quality), dok je u 2017. godini, prema proglašen zračnom lukom s najvećim unapređenjem u Europi (Most Improved Airport). CTBA je radio na završnim radovima i unutarnjem uređenju odlazne zone, između ostalog na uredima Emirates Airlinesa.

Klijent: Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb, Emirates Airlines
Period: 2018

Pilot Scheme

scope of works:

installation of slab track, casting, rail, welding

The Red Line, also known as the Coast Line, runs for about 42 kilometres from Al Wakrah in the south to Lusail in the north. The line also connects Hamad International Airport at Terminal 1 to the centre of the city. It has 18 stations with the Legtaifiya Station allowing passengers to transfer over to the Lusail Tram.

Klijent: Porr Bau GmbH
Period: 2017 - 2019
Status: finished

Veleposlanstvo SAD-a u Zagrebu

scope of works:

dobava i instalacija sigurnosnog sistema

Dobava i instalacija sistema zaštite od pada sukladno sustavu OSHA 1926.502(b).

Klijent: Veleposlanstvo SAD-a u Hrvatskoj
Period: 2017
Status: finished

Porr Precast Elements Factory

scope of works:

production of track slabs (precast)

The production, supply and laying of slabs for three Metro lines in Doha – the Green, Red and Gold Lines – was valued at roughly 150 million euros. The complete production of precast slabs was done in Porr’s Precast Elements Factory in Al Rayyan.

Klijent: Porr Bau GmbH
Period: 2017 - 2018
Status: finished

Emirates Hospital Dubai

scope of works:

installation of panels for clean rooms

The Emirates Hospital has been designed to give you a warm and friendly atmosphere and keep its clients comfortable. It is superbly located and is known for using the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment.

Klijent: Klimaoprema
Period: 2017
Status: finished

CTBA United Arab Emirates Head Office

P.O. Box: 32797
Vision Tower, 44th Floor – Office 21
Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Apartment Building

scope of works:

main contractor

Private residential apartment-building in the Adriatic city of Zadar.

Klijent: Delta In
Period: 2017 - 2018

Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Nizozemske u Republici Hrvatskoj

scope of works:

završni radovi

Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Nizozemske odlučilo je preseliti svoje urede u ekskluzivni Ban Centar na Europskom trgu u Zagrebu. Za tu svrhu su se prenamijenila tri stana u jedinstvenu uredsku cjelinu sukladno standardima Europske unije za diplomatska predstavništva.

Ban Centar
Klijent: Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske
Period: 2017
Status: finished

Qatar Academy Development Al Khor

scope of works:

precast erection

The Qatar Academy Development at Al Khor (QAAK) is to be a prestigious and comprehensive educational facility of international stature. It is designed to support innovative technology, housed in state of the art educational facilities in order to provide an elite educational experience for all its pupils.The Al Khor Academy development consists of a number of 2 storey (G+1) buildings, with each building interconnected by canopy structures, link structures or shared external courtyard space.

Klijent: HBK Contracting
Period: 2015 - 2016

Qatar Foundation South East Car Park

scope of works:

precast installation

A car park in the vicinity of the Qatar Foundation Head Office. More than 3,000 parking places will be distributed on four levels.

Klijent: Shapoorji Pallonji Qatar
Period: 2016

HR CTBA Qatar Head Office

P.O. Box: 201714
Salam Tower, 2nd Floor
Doha – State of Qatar

Croatian Embassy in Qatar

scope of works:

various finishing works

The Croatian Embassy in Qatar is situated in West Bay Lagoon in Doha. The part office, part residential villa was refurbished to suit the Embassy’s needs and requirements. In 2017 it was refurbished to meet the critea mandated by the Schengen Treaty.

Klijent: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
References: Croatian Embassy
Period: 2012 & 2017
Status: finished

The Pearl Qatar

scope of works:

steel door installation

The Pearl Qatar is a man-made island in the north of Doha. The mixed use complex on more than 4 million m2 and 32 km of created coast lines are one of the main attractions of modern Qatar.

Klijent: C&B Building Materials & Trading
Period: 2014
Status: finished

Qatar Petroleum District

scope of works:

aluminum door installation

The QP District is a gigantic commercial-development project covering roughly 7 hectares. The project consists of a 7-level podium accommodating entrance lobbies, shared facilities in a two-storey enclosed atrium ensuring a comfortable indoor environment, MEP spaces & a 3-level car park flanked by 9 office towers and a hotel tower.

Klijent: Bouygues Batiment International - Midmac - Al Jaber Engineering JV
Period: 2015
Status: Finished

Khalifa Stadium & Museum

scope of works:

stone cladding works, facade works, miscellaneous finishing works

The Khalifa Stadium has been for years Qatar’s main venue for international football events. Situated in the Aspire zone it is receiving a complete renovation. The seat number is being increased to 40,000 while at the same time ensuring compliance to FIFA standards of the upcoming 2022 World Cup.

Klijent: Midmac - Sixco JV
Period: 2014 - 2017

Sidra Medical & Research Center

scope of works:

various finishing and rectification works, painting works, cupboard installation, dry walls installation etc

Sidra Medical and Research Center is an ultramodern, all-digital academic medical center which will set new standards in patient care for women and children in Qatar, the Gulf region and internationally. Housed in a modern structure of steel, glass and white ceramic tile Sidra has been purposefully designed to be a benchmark for healing environments throughout the world.

Klijent: Midmac - CCC JV
Period: 2014 - 2018
Status: finished

Doha Metro Green Line Elevated

scope of works:

concrete works, precast erection

The Elevated part of the Doha Metro Green Line starts in Al Rayyan in the West of Doha. The section’s total length is 3.2 km, of which 2.7 km will be realized as a bridge from prefabricated components.

Klijent: Saudi Binladin Group - Porr - HBK JV
Period: 2014 - 2016
Status: finished

Doha Metro Green Line Underground

scope of works:

concrete works

The Metro Green Line Underground Project spans 18,5 km from the Msheireb Station on the Corniche all the way to Al Rayyan Stadium in the West of Doha. A total of 16.6 twin bored tunnels with 9 underground structures and 54 cross passages makes this one of the most challenging underground packages.

Klijent: Porr - Saudi Binladin Group - HBK JV
Period: 2014 - 2018
Status: finished

Sheraton Car Park

scope of works:

concrete works (shuttering, steel fixing, pouring, cosmetics), site supervision

Just in front of the famous Doha Sheraton lies the Sheraton Car Park. With more than 2,800 parking spaces, a tunnel linking it to the Doha Exhibition & Convention Center and 7 hectares of public gardens and landscaping it is a jewel on Doha’s Corniche.

Klijent: Qatari Diar - Vinci Construction
Period: 2013 - 2014
Status: finished

Doha Exhibition & Convention Center

scope of works:

installation of skylights

The Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre project is located in the center of West Bay. On a total area of 47,700 m2 it accommodates five exhibit halls of roughly 29,000 m2, with 18-meter ceilings and 96-meter column-free spans that run 342 meters in length.

Klijent: Imar Trading & Contracting
Period: 2013
Status: finished

Doha Metro Gold Line

scope of works:

site supervision

The Gold Line construction package covers 16 km of twin running tunnels and 13 sub stations. Six tunnel boring machines are engaged simultaneously to achieve the ambitious goals.

Klijent: Aktor - Larsen & Toubro - Yapi Merkezi - STFA - Al Jaber Engineering JV
Period: 2014
Status: finished

InterContinental the City

scope of works:

wooden wall cladding, door installation, wardrobe installation

The InterContintinental the City tower is home to InterCons newest five star hotel in Doha. Located on West Bay it prides itself with having the highest lounge bar in Qatar (on the 55th floor).

Klijent: Khazanah
Period: 2011
Status: finished

Tornado Tower

scope of works:

glass partition installation, dry wall installation, door installation, painting works, various finishing works

Being one of Qatar’s most prominent towers the Tornado Tower is a central part of Doha’s skyline. 52 floors of office space and restaurants offer one of the best views in the city. Particularly impressing is the unique lighting system of the facade.

Klijent: Vinci Construction
Period: 2010 - 2011
Status: finished

Al Baker Towers

scope of works:

steel door installation

Two high end office buildings located in Doha Diplomatic Area.

Klijent: Prometal
Period: 2011
Status: finished

Qatar Foundation Head Office

scope of works:

glass panel installation, various finishing works

The Qatar Foundation Head Office is the heart of the globally known Qatar Foundation. Located in Education City it consists of three major volumes and stretches over 29,000 m2 of total gross floor area.

Klijent: Midmac
Period: 2013 - 2015
Status: finished

Lusail Marina Administration Office

scope of works:

erection of steel structures, dry walls installation, suspended ceilings installation, door installation, various finishing works

The Lusail Marina Administration Office is erected from a prefabricated steel structure produced in Croatia. Roughly 400 m2 of office space are located in the Marina Area of Lusail.

Klijent: European Australian Trading & Contracting
Period: 2012
Status: Finished

Lusail Car Park

scope of works:

suspended ceiling installation, stoneworks

An underground parking facility in the new Lusail City Project. Four parking facilities with three underground levels each are the first big infrastructural project in the Marina District area. Each parking can accommodate up to 560 cars.

Klijent: Qatari Diar - Vinci Construction
Period: 2011 - 2013
Status: finished

Mall of Qatar

scope of works:

precast management, precast installation

The Mall of Qatar is set to be one of the largest and most impressive shopping destinations in Doha. More than 500 shops, restaurants, coffee shops, hotels and entertainment facilities are distributed over the 500,000 m2 complex.

Klijent: Urbacon Construction
References: UCC
Period: 2014 - 2015
Status: finished

Hamad bin Khalifa Medical City

scope of works:

wooden door installation, patient room wardrobe installation

Hamad Medical City is set to become the largest-ever healthcare facility in the Middle East and one of the biggest complexes to be built across the world. Currently, it consists of 250,000 m2 of accommodation facilities on three buildings.

Klijent: Livart/Hyundai
References: Livart
Period: 2012 - 2014
Status: finished

Msheireb Phases 1a, 1b, 1c & 3

scope of works:

concrete works, block works, facade installation, precast installation

Msheireb, or New Dohaland as it is often called, is the new city center within the heart of Doha. A residential and commercial complex of more than 100 buildings valued QAR 20 billion extending across 31 hectare.

Klijent: Hyundai Engineering & Construction, Carillion Qatar, Brookfield Multiplex Medgulf, Exworks Technical Works, HBK Contracting Company
Period: 2011 - 2016

Qatar National Museum

scope of works:

wooden door installation

Inspired by a desert rose the Qatar National Museum is one of Qatar’s most remarkable landmarks. Designed by Jean Nouvel it pays tribute to Qatar’s heritage while at the same time celebrating its future.

Klijent: Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Period: 2014 - 2016

Qatar National Library

scope of works:

suspended ceiling installation, dry wall installation

The Qatar National Library Building is planned to be the home of more than 1.2 million books, 500,000 e-books, periodicals, newspaper publications and special collections. As part of the Qatar Foundation it collects and provides knowledge to support education and research.

Klijent: Brookfield Multiplex Medgulf, Mercury
References: Knauf
Period: 2014 - 2015
Status: Finished

Lusail Multipurpose Hall

scope of works:

wall cladding installation

A truly iconic building North of Doha the Lusail Multipurpose Hall includes play fields, warm up halls, changing rooms, lounges, a medical center, VIP/VVIP area, food and beverage services, restaurants, cafes, office spaces, media and broadcasting facilities… Opened in the end of 2014 it extends over a total floor area of more than 107,000 m2.

Klijent: Imar Trading & Contracting
Period: 2014
Status: Finished

AlSadd Multipurpose Hall

scope of works:

concrete works (shuttering)

The Ali Bin Hamad Al Attiya Arena was erected on a total site area of about 84,700 m2, with a gross building area of approximately 54,600 m2 and a total capacity of 7,700 spectators. Gaining prominence during the 2015 Handball World Championship it is now one of Qatar’s most modern and versatile sports facilities.

Klijent: Aktor Qatar w.l.l.
Period: 2013
Status: Finished

Pumping Station 70

scope of works:

site supervision

PS70 is the new sewage water treatment plant for Lusail City and the North of Doha City.

Klijent: Vinci Construction
Period: 2011
Status: Finished

Hamad International Airport

scope of works:

wooden cladding installation, steel door installation, metal panel installation, adhesive tile installation, various rectification works

Hamad International Airport is the new transport hub of Qatar. With passenger numbers soon to exceed 30 million per year the Airport was finished in 2014 just in time to cope with the rising demand. Being crowned “Best Airport in the Middle East 2015” by Skytrax speaks for itself.

Klijent: QIT - Imar JV, Sky Oryx JV (TAV -Taisei), Zueblin International Qatar
References: QIT Imar, SOJV, Prometal
Period: 2011 - 2013
Status: Finished

Antara Island (Banana Island)

scope of works:

precast management, precast installation (installation directly from boats), concrete works, suspended ceiling&drywall installation

Banana Island is a luxury island resort located 20 minutes from Doha. It consists of hotels, spas, a golf course, restaurants, swimming pools, sports facilities, private beaches and their signature Maldives-style over-water villas.

Klijent: Urbacon Construction
Period: 2013 - 2014
Status: Finished

Baytna Passive House

scope of works:

concrete works, block works, wooden floor installation, facade installation

The first passive house ever to be built in Qatar. Introducing technologies never before applied in Qatar this project is of historical importance it will be the benchmark for future architectural standards. Commissioned by Barwa, Kahramaa and the Qatar Green Building Council  it was designed and built by a group of companies oriented towards the future of sustainable construction.

Klijent: Barwa, Kahramaa, Qatar Green Building Council, Bilfinger Berger Qatar
References: Baytna
Period: 2012 - 2013
Status: Finished

Barwa Commercial Avenue

scope of works:

kitchen installation

Barwa Commercial Avenue is a commercial and residential project close to Doha’s Industrial Area. The eight kilometers long building offers more than 1,000,000 m2 of space for mixed use.

Klijent: Al Jaber Trading & Contracting
Period: 2012
Status: Finished

Barwa City

scope of works:

precast erection, concrete works (shuttering, pouring, cosmetics), gypsum dry walls and suspended ceilings supply & installation, steel door installation, wooden door supply & installation, spray plaster installation, core drilling and various rectification works

Barwa City (Phase 1 & Amenities) is a residential project conceived as a new city on the southern outskirts of Doha. Built from scratch in the desert on 1.35 million square meters it consists of 128 buildings with 6,000 apartments and amenities like schools, nurseries, retail outlets and recreational facilities.

Klijent: Bilfinger Berger Qatar, Shapoorji Pallonji
Period: 2009 - 2013
Status: Finished

CTBA Croatia Head Office

Sigma Centar
Selska 90a
HR-10000 Zagreb

Naše usluge

Radimo s ERP sustavom “Framework for Business”, što nam omogućava da aktivno pratimo i povezujemo sve naše aktivnosti. Poseban naglasak stavljamo na:
Našim investitorima od prvog kontakta na raspolaganju stoji inženjer koji će ih pratiti. Od ponude preko izvođenja do primopredaje posla - tu je uvijek stručna, odgovorna i dostupna osoba ispred CTBA. Radnici su dokazani profesionalci koji su već godinama s nama i uživaj kako naše povjerenje, tako i povjerenje naših klijenata.
Bilo da se radi o novogradnjama ili o obnovi postojećih objekata - CTBA pruža cjelovitu uslugu unapređenja nekretnine. Prateći zakonske norme garantira izvršenje sukladno projektu, te uštede koje takva gradnja podrazumijeva. Od suvremenih fasadnih sustava, dodatnih izolacija, PVC ili aluminijske stolarije, krovišta, elektroinstalaterskih i strojarskih radova - CTBA može pokriti sve, a da investitor i dalje ima samo jednog odgovornog sugovornika.
Investitori žele, a Europski fondovi uvjetuju transparentno poslovanje. CTBA bilježi sve aktivnosti, vodi se stroga evidencija ugrađenih materijala i sistema (uz nužne certifikate) te se isključivo obavljaju naručeni i ugovoreni poslovi. Uz svu dokumentaciju nužnu za uspješno financiranje putem EU fondova. Investitori u svakom trenutku imaju cjelovitu sliku o statusu gradilišta.
Ekipa CTBA je radila širom svijeta. Iskustva sežu od aerodroma, bolnica, muzeja, stadiona, podzemne željeznice, stambenih i poslovnih zgrada u Kataru do aerodroma u Abu Dhabiju, hotela i komercijalnih zgrada u Dubaiu i veleposlanstava, ureda i aerodroma u Hrvatskoj. U završnim radovima je fokus na kvaliteti i poštivanju rokova. I naravno, na zadovoljstvu investitora.

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    +971 4 5567 326
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    P.O. Box: 32797
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